Morris: Eye Abscess

Morris – a very old Cockatiel, developed an abscess involving his left eye. He became sick and stopped eating. Though we could not save his eye and had to remove it, and 3 years later he is still a chirpy, happy bird, eating well and coping very well with one eye.

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Mavis: Conjunctivitis

Mavis – a Sphinx (hairless) cat- had (conjunctivitis) mucky, sore eyes from when she was quite young. Her lower eyelids were rolling in (entropion) and the short eyelid hairs were rubbing on her eyes causing discomfort and led to a black spot(sequestrum) on her cornea. The lids were surgically corrected, the sequestrum treated and the conjunctivitis is gone and she is now much more comfortable. Her owners are happy that she no longer has mucky eyes all the time and the black spot on her cornea is barely visible as a small shadow.

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Kaiser: Everted Third Eyelid

Kaiser had scrolled third eyelids (called eversion of the nictitan’s cartilage) from when he was a very young dog. Instead of helping eyelid function, these bent third eyelids stopped his eyelids from closing properly leading to conjunctivitis (mucky sore eyes). The bent piece of cartilage was carefully removed and he now has nice functional third eyelids.

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Nannah: Cancer Removal

Nannah was a 19-year-old white cat who developed a large skin cancer on her lower eyelid. The cancer was removed and a small piece of her lip was used as a graft to make a new lower eyelid. Sadly, she died of other age related causes 6 months later, but the cancer had not returned and her new pain – free eyelid was working very well.

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Tom: Cancer Removal Third Eyelid

Tom developed a cancer on his third eyelid. The third eyelid & cancer were successfully removed.
